The top U.S. commander in Iraq said he expected the United States to meet a long-standing Iraqi request for new Lockheed Martin Corp F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft, although not as soon as Baghdad had sought."We're still working our way through that, but I think they will be new ones" rather than refurbished F-16s, another option that has been under review, Army General Ray Odierno told reporters at the Pentagon on.Iraqi Defense Minister Abdel Qader Jassim said in July that Iaraq had "many alternatives" for securing such aircraft if the United States failed to supply F-16s."We have to have the right airplane to protect our skies in 2011. Iraq's Air Force is on record as hoping to buy up to 96 F-16s through 2020, the centerpiece of billions of dollars that Baghdad may spend on foreign arms in coming years...................................Source
F16. Ok. PAK FA for Iraq then?
Would that even be a possibility?
Iraqi AF is known to be equipped with latest Russian hardware.
The US. delay to sell Iraq the F16 is pure and stupid politics. Iraq will simply be forced to buy the Euro fighter or Rafael. Iraq should give the US six months to make a decision or go Jet shopping in Europe.
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