ANU Professor and visiting fellow with the Lowy Institute, Hugh White, says the Federal Government must increase its defence spending to prepare for China’s rise in power.The Government’s white paper to guide defence spending over the next decade is due to be released later this month.In his paper released today, Professor White suggests a larger submarine fleet and a stronger air force.He says China should not be seen as a threat, but the Government must address the issue.“China’s rise, for the reasons I’ve articulated, is a very significant dynamic in Australia’s broader strategic situation,” he said.“But I don’t think that reads into a simple view that China gets stronger, has more armed force, therefore presents a direct threat to Australia.“As I say, that depends entirely on the regional system in which China’s power is fitted.”But public consultation ahead of the white paper’s release has found China is not seen as an emerging military threat.The Defence White Paper Community Consultation program heard from around 600 people who turned up to public forums and also received 450 submissions.Chair Stephen Loosley says those who responded do not see China as a threat, describing the concept of the “yellow peril” as being “on life support”.“I suspect that the notion of the yellow peril is probably 40 to 50 years out of date,” he said.“There’s a sense that Australia’s geo-strategic circumstances are changing over time and Australians are cautious but there was no culpable sense that China was emerging as a threat of strategic adversary.“China was seen more in terms of being an economic partner.”
For how long will nations with tiny populations live with the delusion of maintaining military parity with mammoths like China. Australia is among a few lucky nations not having any neighbors to fight with so they are out to find enemies at far away places. Australia needs more babies not guns to match China.
With the longrange bombers,AAR,missiles,Destroyers armed with missiles etc means that no one is completely safe from every one just because of distance involved.
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