In a clear sign of the growing defence cooperation between India and the US, Washington has indicated its willingness to transfer high- technology weaponry to India. Reports said the US could agree to technology transfer of the fifth generation joint strike fighter F-35. Lockheed Martin's vice-president for Business Development Rob Weiss told agencies after the meeting with Indian officials that they had indicated that the F-35 was ready to be in the reckoning for India's fighter needs beyond the induction of the 126 Multi-role Combat Aircraft. Although Pentagon has offered New Delhi participation in its missile shield, top-of-the-shelf 4th generation F-16 and F-18/A fighters, weapon-locating radars and its new brand of long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft, the F-35 was kept out of discussions.
Reports said a top-level team from Lockheed Martin met the Indian Air Force brass to convey that the F-35 Lightning-II - single-seat, single-engine, stealth-capable military strike fighter - was available for IAF's fifth generation fighter requirements. The offer brings some relief to India, which has been seeking partners to develop futuristic fifth-generation fighters. India has been in discussions with the MiG Corp for some time on India's fifth-generation fighter requirements. Pranab Mukherjee had held several rounds of discussions with Russia on the issue. The IAF, which is not inclined on the Sukhoi-led T-50 programme, is of the view that a low-cost fifth-generation fighter should be deployed for meeting the challenges in its neighbourhood. New Delhi has been in negotiations with Moscow for joint development and investment in next-generation fighters.
Mr Weiss told a news agency that India was considering the offer. "We briefed top IAF officials about the new fighters," he said. With embedded antennas, aligned edges, internal weapons and fuel and special coatings and material, the F-35 fighter uses stealth to pick and choose engagements while roaming undetected by enemy defence systems. Mr Weiss said the F-35 fighters boast of the most powerful sensor suite ever to be fitted on a fighter plane which will enable it to bring a seamless real-world and real-time 360-degree display of the battle space to turn the pilots into "tacticians rather than technicians". Lockheed Martin officials said if new countries joined the F-35 programme, the US could be open to delivery of new generation fighters within the next decade. He said if the IAF chose Lockheed Martin's world's best-selling fighter F-16 fighting falcons, it could "position India to be ready to receive advanced technologies incorporated in the F-35s". Lockheed Martin officials said a lot of the new technologies being tested on the F-35 would be leveraged in the new generation F-16 Block 50 fighters.
f22 vs f35
f22 supercruises while f35 can't
f22 flies at twice the altitude of f35 so f22 covers twice the area
f22 radar has more t/r aesa modules compared to apg81 radar of f35 means 30% more detection range
f22 is more stealthy compared to f35
f22 is more manouverable than f35 and f22 has TVC
f22 carries 8 missiles compared to 4 missiles in f35
f22 is in production while f35 will take 6-7 to be in production
so f22 does the work of 2 f35
and PAK FA will be in line of f22 and will cost less than f35
I Think India doesn't need F-35 as India has already two Fifth Generation Aircraft Program going on ---- FGFA(as joint venture with Russia) & indigenous MCA project. These jets will be more or less comaprable to F-22 or F-35. So India should ignore any diversion which it comes accross.
Only problem is F-22 is not available for export and F-35 is
As far as PAF FA is concerned lets wait for it to get tested, I think it is not fair to compare aircrafts when one will be in mass production while other will be still going through testing in next decade
it is true that pak fa still not flown yet, but it is also true that it will be two engined and will have more powerful engines than 117S engines on su35bm
more powwerful radar than irbis e PESA which is also an excellent radar with excellent range even though PESA is 30 years old tech
with one engine it is hard for an aircraft to supercruise
profusThe comment that IAF is not inclined towards Sukhoi 50 seems far fetched especially after their experience with Su30 MKI. If they were not interested, then why have they ordered 250 jets at one go?
in any war the most important aspect is the human element ,that ultimately decides the victors and losers. Considering the India US defense relation the US was never a trusted or reliable partner for India.But the Russians were. they are there to help you as happened in many times
Russian military hardware may not be as sophisticated or advanced as the US. But in the case of India it is the the Russia who offered you the most
so trust them
buy the sophisticated Russian fighter air craft
Americans can never be trusted however sophisticated their weapons are
USAF is in a bind and India came to its rescue. Clearly, the F-35 is at the edge of being dumped. Not because of technical flaws, they can be solved but due to its high cost.
Imagine that Lockheed transfer part of the production of the fuselage or wings is made in India. This could bring its price down, maybe, 10 to 20 percent, when sales increase more may be made in India and everyone wins. Lockheed makes more sales and profits, USAF saves in future buys and other countries will jump in to get part of the "action". A true Win-Win-Win, what seem like a sink is now a gusher, I'm from Tejas, or Texas. I hear India is building a plane with our name on it. Thanks, it's a fine name, go ahead and use it as you see fit, we are proud of it, too.
I won't say say "Good Luck!", you have plenty.
And, by the way, this will bring tons of jobs to Tejas or Texas, whatever you want to call us. Thanks.
Michael Sarabia, a Tejano.
What do you think?
If India is powerful enough, why would any country attack it?
Could this bring peace to the area and allow commerce to grow and all the people in the area... etc.
Is that a dream?
The F-35 may be too tempting to India and India may be too tempting to USA.
Looks like we did a reversal and India will get the F-35.
Since their work will be used in all F-35s, the price of the fly-away F-35 may go down by their degree of participation. This is a win-win.
And we gain a solid ally in an area where we have few strong major allies, Japan and Australia?
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