Pictures of J-11BS which is supposed to be a Chinese version of Russian Su-30MKK. J-11BS uses black nose and black engine nozzle like J-11B. J-11BS looks to be using WS-10A instead of Russian AL-31.
"The human factor will decide the fate of war, of all wars. Not the Mirage, nor any other plane, and not the screwdriver, or the wrench or radar or missiles or all the newest technology and electronic innovations. Men—and not just men of action, but men of thought. Men for whom the expression 'By ruses shall ye make war' is a philosophy of life, not just the object of lip service." IDF-AF commander Ezer Weizman:On Eagles' Wings
....Tribute to the Chinese Air craft Industry J11B ...J11BS is living tribute to the Chinese nation..
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