The “STOP” is a new generation, cost effective, medium caliber weapon system for naval platforms. The system provides lightweight, versatile and effective means of force protection for application ranging from capital ships to patrol craft. The remote gun system “STOP” has exceptionally high and kills probability with an impressive firepower. Comprising of a two-axis stabilized turret containing and electro-optical sensor suite and fire-control software, “STOP” is capable of acquiring targets and engaging them autonomously either via the Ship's Combat management System or by use of own sensors. The optical sensors suite of "STOP" provides enhanced situational awareness and the ability to identify and engage threats day or night, in all weather conditions. The second new turret is the ASRLS for Anti-Submarine Rocket Launching System. Naval forces need to control penetrations to territory waters and main bases to deny enemy submarines. In order to improve the capability of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Systems operating in littoral environments where sound propagation frequently causes very short sonar detection ranges and high false alarm rates on sonar systems due to adverse acoustic conditions, there is a certain need to Low Cost ASW Weapons effective in shallow waters. The turret is composed by a two-axis, gyro-stabilized. The ASRLS is armed with 6 anti-submarine rockets ready to fire.
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