Friday, March 27, 2009

India to work on anti satellite weapons

India, which is one of the few countries in the world to have significant space capabilities, is willing to work with the US to develop anti-satellite weapons, a top diplomat has said. "This is an area of convergence on which we would be happy to work together with the US and contribute to a multilateral agreement," Shyam Saran, Prime Minister's Special Envoy, said in his address to the Brookings Institution.
Saran was referring to the recent announcements made by the US President, Barack Obama, about his intention to join multilateral efforts to prevent military conflict in space and to negotiate an agreement to prohibit the testing of anti-satellite weapons. India welcomes this, he said. "We have a large number of communications and resource survey satellites currently in orbit.

Although this does not fall strictly within the nuclear domain, the need to ensure the peaceful uses of outer space, is important for nuclear stability and international security," Saran said. In 2007, China had destroyed one of its own defunct satellites with a ballistic missile, sparking global concerns. In February last year, a US Navy ship too launched a missile that hit a dying spy satellite.


US would be a fool to think it can make anti sat weapons with india and expect relations to br good with pakistan.

Cooperation with India on AST weapons will be to counter Chinese capabilities. As far as Pakistan is concerned public opinion in favor of USA is already touching all time low

Public opinion is not all that important, when it comes to foreign policy. US needs the military and govt on side in Pakistan. At the end of the day its upto the US but the US better hope the positives outweight the negatives for any such cooperation.

In short run you might say that Public opinion has slightly less value(but still very important if USA wants to win WOT) but in long run it is the deciding factor.

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