Over its 30-year history, the USS McInerney racked up a lot of firsts, from new propulsion systems to cutting-edge weaponry.Now at dock at Mayport Naval Station for the final time, the crew of the oldest-serving Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate in the U.S. fleet is once again trying something new.Shortly after the McInerney arrived home in April from its final deployment under the U.S. flag, a crew of Pakistani sailors began readying to sail the vessel to its new home more than 7,000 miles away.At the end of August, the ship will be decommissioned - the first of Mayport's 13 frigates to be retired - and turned over to Pakistan. The country is paying upwards of $65 million to buy and refurbish the ship, money which the United States has given it as a friendly non-NATO ally.
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